C3X는 대한민국 서울에 위치한 디자인 컨설팅 회사 입니다. 우리는 클라이언트가 바라보는 시장, 소비자가 기대하는 상품, 그리고 디자이너가 제시하는 새로운 경험을 융합하여 정교하고 합리적인 방법으로 디자인으로 표현하고 연출합니다.또한 C3X는 이탈리아의 세계적인 디자이너 Stefano Giovannoni 와의 정식 계약 체결을 통하여 한국지사로서의 역할도 수행하고 있습니다.
C3X is a design consulting firm located in Seoul, Korea. We express and direct the design in a sophisticated and reasonable way by fusing the market viewed by the client, the product expected by the consumer, and the new experience presented by the designer. In addition, C3X is playing a role as a Korean branch and attorney by signing an official contract with Stefano Giovannoni, a world-famous Italian designer.
We are C3X
C3X는 고객의 기대, 경험,즐거움을 의미합니다. 사람을 중심으로 하는 불변의 디자인 철학에서 한발 더 나아가 고객이라는 더 세심하고 더 복합적인 대상을 위한 디자인을 합니다. 더 많은 고민과 고도화된 전문성을 가지고 기대를 기쁨으로 채워 나가는 것이 C3X가 생각하는 좋은 디자인 입니다.
C3X means for customer expectation, experience and excitement. Going one step further from the immutable design philosophy centered on people, we design for more sensitive and more complex subjects. With more thinking and advanced professionalism, we are going to fulfill your expectation with excitement. This is a good design that C3X thinks.

대표이사 홍주영은 이탈리아 밀라노로 건너가 두 곳의 대학원 과정을 이수하고 석사를 취득 하였으며 이후, 독일 Ulm 대학 출신의 디자이너 Hans Von Klier Studio 에서 Zanotta 등의 가구 회사와 일했다. 또한 Vespa를 만드는 Piaggio 및 Ducati, Aprilia, Moto Guzzi 등의 회사와 일하는 디자인 스튜디오 AUDIS에서 디자인 경험을 쌓았다. 귀국 후에는 LG전자에서 소형가전팀, 오디오팀, 근미래디자인팀, 등을 거치며 최종적으로 모바일 디자인 연구소 디자인 팀장을 역임 하였으며 휴대폰 제조사인 팬택으로 이직하여 해외 디자인 팀장, 디자인 기획 팀장을 거쳐 KT의 스마트폰 자회사 KT tech의 디자인 실장/상무로 재직하였다. KT tech에서는 다양하고 우수한 디자인을 디렉팅하여 회사의 흑자 전환에 기여하였다.
이러한 여러 회사에서의 재직 중에는 IDEA 컨셉부문 금상을 수상한 근미래 네트워크 키친을 비롯하여 Reddot, iF 등 수많은 디자인 어워드에서 수상한 바 있다. 퇴직 후에는 Shopick 이라는 CRM 고객 서비스 비즈니스 개발을 위해 C3X를 창업하였으며 현재는 제품 디자인 전문 회사로 탈바꿈 되었다. 교육자 및 학회의 경험은 한양대학교 UI 석박사 과정에서 강의를 한 바 있으며, 전주대학교 제품 디자인과 겸임 교수를 역임하였다. 또한 디지털디자인학회 및 산업디자이너협회 이사, 산업기술평가원 및 대구경북디자인센터 평가위원을 역임한 바 있다.
CEO Hong Ju-young moved to Milan, Italy, completed two graduate programs and obtained a master's degree. After that, he worked with a furniture company such as Zanotta at Hans Von Klier Studio, a designer from Ulm University in Germany. He also gained design experience at the design studio AUDIS, working with companies such as Piaggio that make Vespa and Ducati, Aprilia, and Moto Guzzi. After returning to Korea, he worked at LG Electronics through small home appliances team, audio team, near future design team, etc., and finally served as the design team leader of the mobile design research center. He served as the head of design department/manager of KT tech. At KT tech, he contributed to turning the company into a profit by directing various and excellent smartphone designs.
During his tenure at these companies, he has won numerous design awards such as Reddot and iF, as well as Near Future Network Kitchen, which won the Gold Award in the IDEA Concept category. After leaving salaried worker, he founded C3X to develop a CRM customer service business called Shopick, and now it has been transformed into a company specializing in product design. The experience of educators and conferences gave lectures in the UI Master's and Doctorate course at Hanyang University, and served as an adjunct professor at Jeonju University's Department of Product Design. In addition, he has served as a director of the Digital Design Society and Korea Association of Industrial Designers(KAID), and an evaluation committee member of the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology(KEIT) and Daegu Gyeongbuk Design Center(DGDC).
5D Process
5D 디자인 프로세스는 C3X의 디자인 철학을 담은 고유의 디자인 프로세스입니다. 충분한 문제 인식과 모티브 발굴은 가장 중요한 출발점이 됩니다. 5D 디자인 프로세스는 고객사가 바라보는 시장, 소비자가 기대하는 상품 그리고 디자이너가 만드는 경험을 하나로 일치 시키는 정교하고 합리적인 방법을 제시합니다 .
The 5D design process is a unique design process that embodies the design philosophy of C3X. Sufficient problem recognition and motive discovery are the most important starting points. The 5D design process presents a sophisticated and reasonable way to match the market viewed by the customer, the product expected by the consumer, and the experience created by the designer.

2002 IDEA - gold – Good Morning / Future Household appliances Design Strategy / LG Electronics
2002 iF Product Design Award - Winner - LG G510 / Mobile phone / LG Electronics
2003 Red dot Design Award - Winner - LG-KP6300 / Mobile phone / LG Electronics
2005 iF Product Design Award - Winner - Camera Folder (GS-9) / Mobile phone / LG Electronics
2005 iF Product Design Award - Winner - GSM Mobile IM Phone (LG-F9100) / Mobile phone / LG Electronics
2005 iF Product Design Award - Winner - 3G Mobile Phone-Mulan (U8300) / Mobile phone / LG Electronics
2006 iF Product Design Award - Winner – PG-6200 / Mobile Phone / Pantech
2007 iF Product Design Award - Winner – Export Type Mobile Phone Package Design / Mobile phone package / Pantech
2007 iF Product Design Award - Gold – HC1 / Mobile phone / Pantech
2007 iF Product Design Award - Winner – Slim Card Phone (KE820) / Mobile phone / LG Electronics
2008 iF Product Design Award - Gold – “Shine” in wood / Mobile Phone / LG Electronics
2011 Red dot Design Award - Winner - Ev-f600(BRICKS) / Mobile Phone / KT Tech
2018 Red dot Design Award - Winner - LG Furniture Air Purifier / Air Purifier / LG Electronics
2018 Red dot Design Award - Winner - LG Furniture Refrigerator / Refrigerator / LG Electronics
2018 Pin Up Design Award - Best of Best - Audio(AJ7) / Audio system / LG Electronics
2018 Pin Up Design Award - Best 100 - VOISTICK BUE-SR01 / Remote Controller / SK Broadband
2019 iF Product Design Award - Winner – Audio(AJ7) / Audio system / LG Electronics
2019 Red dot Design Award - Winner - LG AJ7 / Audio system / LG Electronics
2019 IDEA - Finalist - WPU-A900F, WPU-A900C / Water Purifier / SK Magic
2019 Pin Up Design Award - Best 100 – AI 2 Set-top Box BIP-AI100 / TV and Home Entertainment / SK Broadband
2019 Pin Up Design Award - Best 100 - WPU-A900F, WPU-A900C / Water Purifier / SK Magic
2019 Pin Up Design Award - Finalist - Triangular Connectivity Series / home network system / SK Broadband
2020 Red dot Design Award - Winner - AI Speaker Set-Top Box / TV and Home Entertainment / SK Broadband
2020 Asia Design Prize - Gold - Triangular Connectivity Series / home network system / SK Broadband
2021 Red dot Design Award - Winner - AI Sound Max (AI 2 Max) / Set Top Box with Bluetooth Speaker / SK Broadband
2022 Red dot Design Award - Winner - LG Xboom360 Series / Bluetooth Speaker / LG Electronics
2023 Red dot Design Award - Winner - Shape of Voice / Sound bar type AI set-top box with WiFi router / KT
2023 iF Product Design Award - Winner - Shape of Voice / Sound bar type AI set-top box with WiFi router / KT
2023 Red dot Design Award - Winner - Shape of Voice / Sound bar type AI set-top box with WiFi router / KT
2023 iF Product Design Award - Winner - Shape of Voice / Sound bar type AI set-top box with WiFi router / KT